Thursday, September 15, 2011

Falling In Love...

A few things that won't leave my heart this week...

I read her blog religiously. Here are pieces of her story via Twitter...

Lucy: "I just need to feel brave for a few minutes, and then I can do it."

And then Not even 8am and I'm already having the worst mommy day of my life. I hate it when I blow it big.

And then I'm told that pierced ears closing overnight falls in the category of honest mistake. But oh, if you could have seen the mourning...

My heart's just breaking for them both. Isn't yours?

This made me stop for a while. And then think of what kindness I could share myself for a lot longer than that.

Two things about this giving project. One, it's goose-bump wonderful. And two, I never knew the lovely legend behind swallows; that their purpose was to carry a sailor's soul to heaven.

And on a much lighter note...I WANT THIS

There. All of this week's favorites that have been sending me. Will you tell me what's been sticking to your heart this week? I'd love to know! Rooftop pool found among his charming pins first.