Wednesday, January 19, 2011

If I Were Your Realtor...{Earth Empress}

Shakaya is a free spirit who loves all things love. She dances in the moonlight, swims under waterfalls, and follows her butterflies. If you saw her flitting through the forest, I swear you'd think you just saw a fairy.

She is magic, not to mention one year more beautiful this week. I though it would be the perfect time to find my friend a charming weekend getaway; her very own sanctuary of inspiration where she can refill her spirit and replenish her soul. 

Square footage would not be a factor for Shakaya. Soul-shattering views, inside and out, would definitely move her.

"It's bigger than it looks," I'd tell my friend.

"It couldn't be more perfect." she'd tell me back, floating to the porch and leaning against a pillar with a grand sigh. "I could drink this view for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

I imagine she could prepare that view quite nicely in the kitchen, pouring it into vintage cups and serving dishes and mismatched silverware.

And then she could serve it to her visiting friends and family in her outdoor dining area. There would be a huge dining room inside, but Shakaya would want to use that space for meditation.

"I'm sold," she'd sigh once more, to bring the count of perfectly charmed sighs to no less than twelve.

"But you haven't even see the bath!" I'd exclaim.

"And if you just fly up to the third floor..." I'd continue, waving off Shakaya's shock with a "Oh, I told you it was bigger than it looks! Now, come see your bedroom."

And there Shakaya would stop. "Oh," she'd whisper. "Now...I'm souled."

I love it when that happens, don't you?

Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Shakaya. Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone, and please send me a note if you'd like me to find you a home. Also, if you'd really truly like me to find a home for you and yours, visit me at The Jamie Flannigan Collection. Because I do this whole Souled thing in real life, too! All photos from Pinterest, each one linked to its source.