I find Dutch doors incredibly sexy; the very sight of one makes my heart flutter. Which is a very good thing since my front door is a crisp white Dutch with chunky ink-black hardware.
I think you'd smile if you ever saw it.
I blame my sister for this obsession. She and her family holiday every summer on Balboa Island in Newport Beach, where nearly every home opens with a Dutch door. It's storybook lovely.
To me, there's nothing sweeter than my big bad wolf Max hanging his little paws and head over the bottom half of the door. I just know his tail's wagging like crazy.
Someday, I'd love a few wild babies climbing over my Dutch door. Can't you just imagine it? Me, too.
A few for inspiration and hopefully a few fluttered heartbeats, in order from curry15, Sweet Eventide, and summerdressgirl. I wanted to show you this one and this one - Wow, right? - but they're not to be downloaded. Really, though, you really really should see them, ok? (Enough reallys for you?)