A few of my best friends are absolute suckers for sweets. I am, too, I guess. Offer me a Ticolino Swizzle Stick to candy-coat my morning tea, and I'm officially in love until at least lunchtime.
But honestly, paint stores are my candy shops. Chips and swatches are as delicious to me as chocolate-covered cherries. Without the guilt or extra pilates session.
Most of my clients share the same semi-permanent enthusiasm. I see it the second I open a door to their potential new home. White causes them to catch their breath. Yellow makes them smile. Red never fails to thrill.
For me, chalkboard paint is it. It screams unending potential, because it's not just paint...it's just the beginning.
Really, I would chalkboard paint my entire kitchen if I could. From recipes to words of encouragement to hilarious cartoons; I'd love it all. And if I didn't? Well, then. I'd just scrub it and start over.
Some days, I wish everything in life was so easy, don't you? What would you erase? I'd love to know!
Incredible chalk designs found on {wit + delight}.