Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm in the middle of an incredible mess.

Two of my betters - not exactly my bests, but better than the rest - started a business together about two years ago. A hot little consulting company where they basically handed out magic wands to all their clients and inspired them to turn their lives and careers into white doves and never-ending streamers of silk.

One was the charmer and one was the brains. Everybody knew it and loved it...except the two of them, apparently.

There were mini power struggles and even mini-er arguments. They'd apologize and promise never to agree to disagree again. Which is exactly when they began competing with each other.

In short, the brains wanted to be the charmer. The charmer thought she was the brains. And now there's no more hot little consulting company.

It's devastating to me. Not because they are my betters, but because they are women who should know better. They should understand that we're each better when we're better en masse.

I'm just disappointed. Our collective friendships are over and I'm not sure what will come of them in the future, if anything.

Am I being naive? A mentor of mine tells me I am. He believes that women will always and forever compete with each other. He suggests I not only get used to it...but that I should also watch out for it.

Tell me what you think, will you? I could really use some of your wise words! Friends found here, here, and here.